Friday, February 09, 2007

Power Before The People: Bruno's Bourbon Empire Again

We know now what most of us have known for some time, New York's Bourbon King, Silver, and Cronies place their kingdom ahead of the best interests of the people of New York. With their nose out of joint and fixed on teaching the new Gov. Spitzer a lesson, they have voted DiNapoli to the $151,500-a-year Comptroller job.

Optimistically, it is said DiNapoli has but little financial experience. He now serves as the chairman of the Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee and previously headed committees overseeing local governments, consumer affairs and ethics. His best foot forward for past experience is working at New York Telephone Co. and AT&T in various management positions, rising to oversee an office of more than 100 employees; a resume that resembles a hamburger flipper vying for an airline pilot's job. This isn't comforting when the man will be responsible for the office’s 2,400 employees and auditing government operations and managing a $150 billion pension fund.

Martha Stark, in contrast, has been City finance commissioner since 2002, and has experience as Portfolio manager for Edna McConnell Clark Foundation. Stark is obviously the better choice, but once again it's all about building the kingdom and power for the Bourbon King and his followers at the expense of the people of NY State.


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