Thursday, April 27, 2006

Illegal Immigration - Borders Make The Country

It isn’t immigration that is the problem on the media top-list these days. That would be like grouping people that work to earn their money in with people stealing the money. Of greater concern is we have politicians shoulder to shoulder with the absurd demonstrators who steal it, and they are saying we should fix a way for them to keep it and that will solve the problem. How, you may ask, will it be solved given that more will come in the same fashion and eventually we will be at the same place again (the number of aliens grows by a half million per year).
In 1986, 2.6 million aliens were legalized and now we have 11 million aliens being discussed for some form of legal conversion – it becomes a revolving door, which routinely fills up with aliens expecting some form of amnesty. Now, they are so bold as to petition government by demonstration while they have no rights of citizenship. More perverse is that our president and congress are paying them attention.
What Bush should be doing is his job. His only job is to protect our borders, and so far he has spent us into debt attacking Iraq – a debt that is so large that we are too cash poor to take care of our own. Meanwhile, border security is at the lowest it has ever been (steadily declining since the early 90’s) and 91% of the American people rightfully believe it to be a serious problem. Terrorist concerns should be highest at our borders where a person can walk right in; this is the most basic protection we expect from a President. What good is a leader that will not control a country’s borders? Does a country without borders qualify as a country?

We are told by employers that these people take jobs that Americans won’t do. The truth is, the employers want slave labor and Americans need enough money to pay the bills or there is nothing accomplished by working. The employers are to aliens what drug dealers are to users; the dealer is the criminal that causes the user to proliferate. America claims to abhor slavery; they should demonstrate this by convicting these employers (who are enjoying the profits and lifestyle of cheap labor) with enough penalties to stem the use of alien workers.
For the average American: job scarcity and unemployment are supplemented by growing numbers of employers seeking to underpay employees; the economy suffers an annual loss of 39 billion dollars sent out of the country; income - and social security - taxes are lost for every undocumented paycheck; local taxes become more oppressive from social service costs to illegal residents. Then there is crime. In L.A. alone, 95% of outstanding homicide, and two-thirds of fugitive felony warrants are for aliens. Many well-organized street gangs dealing drugs and murder, terrorizing the public safety, are disproportionately comprised of illegal aliens.
Our elected officials, such as the great Rudy Giuliani and Mayor Bloomberg of NYC, have fought a hard fight using sanctuary laws requiring police and employers to, among other protections, keep immigration information confidential from immigration authorities. All the while places like Manhattan’s Washington Heights cowers from illegal aliens who make up 70% of its drug dealers and other criminals.
Once again, the people are losing to politicians looking for votes, and the wealthy business lobby. Who is in charge here anyway?